Sunday, December 22, 2013

New Year's Resolution

Hey Y'all! I hope you are having fun scrabbling around picking up those last minute gifts for the ones you love. Not unless you are one of those people who is very organized and had all your shopping done by the first weekend in December. I definitely envy you if your shopping is done. 

I know it is a little early to talk about New Year's resolutions but I have a confession...I already have one in mind. This only came about when I had the bright idea to step on the scale for the first time in months. Yeah....BIG MISTAKE or maybe it was a wake up call! Who gets on a scale during the holidays? This girl. When I saw the big fat number staring back at me in the face, I kindly picked my chin up off the floor and tucked my big round eyes back into my head. Then, I realized that I am at my heaviest weight I have ever been! Oy vey! At that moment I told myself, no more. 

So after December 25th it's back to taking care of myself and cutting back the sweets. I'm not even waiting for the new year because delaying is not benefiting me. Yesterday I made the choice and today I started the change. This morning I got back on my cycling bike and ate a balance breakfast full of protein. For dinner, I made grilled chicken with veggies baked in the oven. I know I will be off track on Christmas day but I plan on getting back on track the day after. 

Though I never make New Year's resolutions, this year I am make one to better my health. 

What is your New Year's resolution going to be?

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