Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Hey Bloggers!

It has been a while since I have written a post. I would say life in general was a busy time. I really took this time off from writing to focus on family. I felt it was most important during this time but now I'm back. :) Here is what I have been up to....

1. Health. I started going to the gym more and started eating more clean. I have lost 6 lbs. but I have remained at that new weight. I'm okay with that. I think now it is just a matter of toning.

2. Work was extremely demanding. I had a lot on my plate at work and I was going in early and leaving late. Then I would come home to either leave to go to the gym or to cook dinner. I was too tired to blog. However, I would still read all of my blogs that I would follow. It's exciting some of the things you are doing or events happening in your lives.

3. Family ~ My brother has joined the Air Force. I spent a lot of my free time trying to do stuff with him and the family. We did a few days at the beach, cookouts, golfing days and whatever else we wanted to do. He left in May so I wanted to spend the those few months with him. I write him twice a week. When I was working, I only had time to write him once a week but now that I am out for summer I write him twice a week. I always leave a little quote from our favorite movies, songs or anything inspirational to keep his spirits up. I think it helps him stay motivated. :)

5. Travels. I had a couple of trips this year. We went to Savannah for St. Patricks day. Of course it rained so we watched from the comfort of my aunt and uncles home. It was great catching up with my best friend and family. I also just got back from a girls weekend in Jacksonville from seeing the Florida Country Music Festival. It was great fun but more on that in a later post.

6. Blog Name Change. I felt the need to change my blog name. I don't know why exactly but I feel like the new name is I probably will not fix my pictures from previous posts because that's a lot of work. Besides I think it shows the transition. I'll be working on small transitions throughout the summer so bare with me. I think it is great to start a new year with a new name.

Until next time...