Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Color Run

The ColoRun was one of those items that was on my bucket list. I have to say it is truly one of the happiest races on the planet. It was so much fun! It will be most likely one of those items that I may cross of my list a few times. It is probably the most organized 5k I have ever done as well. Everyone starts lining up at the start line and they send you out in sections. This helps with over crowding when running/walking and going through each color stations. I believe there were color stations each quarter of a mile. 

We traveled through stations redyellowblue, and orange. We did not get much yellow powder on us but we had enough of other colors to make up for it. For some reason you cannot help but smile or laugh going through the color stations. With that...the stuff tastes like chalk. At one point I looked up at my brother and he says, "Tiff, your teeth are blue." We just laughed. 

The after party is good fun as well. I tried to take a video of the colors flying through the air but I covered in powder so it was an epic fail. However, I did get a video of the party after the colored powder began to fly. Score!

I just noticed the lady's head was cut off in the bottom picture. I was trying out the panoramic picture view for the new iOS 7. ha ha! epic fail part 2.

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